Omron Hj-113 Pocket Pedometer, Walking Style, Black

This article review about Omron Hj-113 Pocket Pedometer, Walking Style, Black Pocket Pedometer

Buy Omron Hj-113 Pocket Pedometer, Walking Style, Black With Cheap Price

Product Features
  • Dual-axis pocket pedometer
  • Measures steps, aerobic steps, distance, calories and fat grams burned
  • Features 7-day memory, clock, automatically resets at midnight
  • Easy to use- put it in your pocket or bag or clip onto your hip
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It's a little information and reviews about Omron Hj-113 Pocket Pedometer, Walking Style, Black, hope this reviews will be useful for you who want to buy Omron Hj-113 Pocket Pedometer, Walking Style, Black with a cheap price. But do not forget to read reviews from customers who have purchased this product, and you will see how amazing this product.