SportBrain "First Step" Personal Fitness Assistant (1-Unit)

This article review about SportBrain "First Step" Personal Fitness Assistant (1-Unit) Medical studies have shown that daily exercise--even walking for just a half an hour--is beneficial for long-term health. If you've resolved to incorporate more exercise into your lifestyle but don't have the time for a regimented exercise program, the SportBrain Personal Fitness Assistant might be the solution for you. This small, lightweight device clips to the waistline of your pants or skirt and measures the number of steps you take. You then connect the SportBrain to the SportPort (much like a PDA's synchronization cradle) to upload the day's activity data to the SportBrain Web site, which then provides a wide range of information. Setting up the SportBrain was quick and easy. We connected to the SportBrain Web site and registered our device, which then provided us a personalized home page. We then clipped the SportBrain to our pants (near the hip, above the knee) and started walking. At the end of the day, we connected the SportPort to our telephone line, then snapped the Spor

Buy SportBrain "First Step" Personal Fitness Assistant (1-Unit) With Cheap Price

Product Features
  • The SportBrain personal fitness assistant combines Web and wearable technology to monitor daily physical activity
  • Clip it to belt or waistband
  • The SportBrain monitors steps taken (whether walking or running), distance, and calories burned
  • Upload activity information to SportBrain Web site (requires free activation)
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